Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy for Tim

December 10, 2008

Everything’s going good. We had a pretty rough week because it was like negative 20 Celsius all week with a wind chill. It was so cold! haha We're starting to get more people to teach which is awesome. So we're working hard and that’s all we can really do I guess.

I was so happy to hear that Steven made the basketball team. THAT’S AWESOME BUDDY!! I was panicking all week because I couldn’t find out until a week later. And also, GREAT JOB KYLIE! It sounds like soccer is going good. Good luck to Brooke also. I bet you can’t wait to go through labor. haha It’ll be way fun :) Good luck to Ryan. I think you are definitely making the right decision. Just keep working hard and I know that everything will happen how you want it to. It means a lot to me that you are going for your dream. It gives me courage to go and try to do something after my mission to. We’ll see. I’m so excited for everyone. It sounds like everything is going great.

Well, on a spiritual note: TIM GOT BAPTIZED ON SUNDAY!! Elder newkirk baptized him because he hasn’t had the opportunity yet and he has been here for a lot longer than I have. Tim is such a great guy. I wanted to talk at his baptism (I know crazy right? I never want to talk) so I talked about the Holy Ghost. The talk hit me kind of hard because it has meant so much to me lately. I think I was happier for Tim getting baptized than I was when I got baptized. It’s crazy how much you care for the people you teach. The baptism was such a great experience. It makes all of the hard times seem worth it.

It’s almost Christmas time!!! I love it even though I don’t get to be with my family. It’s a lot harder though because I think about all the great times we have and then I start thinking about how much I miss you all. But I know the Lord is taking care of all of you much better than I ever could. But I want you all to know how much I love you and miss you. Thanks for writing me; it really is great to hear from you even though I don’t really have time to write you that often.

Love, Elder Day

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