Friday, November 21, 2008

First Week

Hellooo everybody!!

The first week is over and it was great! We got a lot of work done. We don't get to talk to all that many people but we went tracting like all day everyday. We are working very hard. We don't have any investigators so we need to turn that around so we have people to talk to and share the discussions with. Its pretty depressing when no one will talk to us. But all we can do is work our hardest and the Lord will do the rest. We've already made a lot of progress in just one week. I entered a pretty dry area so we need to do a lot of work. We have met with a couple of people though and that makes it all worth it. Every time we get to talk with anyone I learn so much and begin to care about these people that I don't even know. Most of the investigators that we have are Muslim. They believe a lot of what we do so it isn't that different for them. We have one man named Tim that we are already talking about baptism with. I am so excited for him, he is a great guy.

So on a different note.. it sounds like everyone is doing great! Congratulations Kylie for making the soccer team, Steve for bein' the best brother ever, and Ryan for ownin' people on the gridiron. Good work! I'm sorry I haven't been able to write letters because we have been way busy. But I promise I'll keep in touch the best I can. Me and my companion are getting along good. We have a lot that we can learn from each other. The Zone Leaders in are apartment are also awesome guys. It makes it a whole lot better when we have four of us. This parts for Mom: we've been eating really good and I've been taking vitamins like crazy because everyone is getting sick. But anyways, good luck to all of you. Be the best that you can be. Like dad told me in the MTC: Don't hold anything back. That means a lot to me because I don't want to have any regrets. I need to serve the Lord with all my heart.

I love you all sooooo much!
-Elder Day

I'm in Canada EH!!


So I made it to Canada. Even though we had a way sketchy plane ride from Cincinnati to Toronto. It was probably the smallest plane that I've ever seen. But we definitely made it here and I'm way excited. I'm not gonna lie its pretty stinkin' cold outside but I'll live.

Yesterday I didn't have time to e-mail home cuz we went tracting right when I got to my place. We're stayin' in Kitchener. Its a huge city, probably about as big as Salt Lake. We don't get a car so we get to trek through the snow all winter. :) Can't wait!! haha My companion is really cool he's from a small town in Utah.. I can't remember the name of it but they are all the same right? We stay in an a big building on the eleventh four. It's pretty nice. We share it with the Zone Leaders and they are really nice guys too. Oh ya my companions name is Elder Newkirk. They all work way hard so were gonna get a lot of work done. We woke up early and ran stairs and stuff this morning.. I thought I was gonna die. Just kidding it was fun.

So on a spiritual note: Last night was terrible. No one wanted to talk to us and we have no investigators. I have a lot of work to do. Today we went tracting and we met this guy and his wife from Iran. They were unbelievable people. They invited us in and gave us soup (It was some kind of cilantro soup or whatever, WAY SPICY! but it was good.) and we were talking to them and they wanted to here more. So we gave the first discussion and I bore my testimony of how they can pray to Heavenly Father and He will give them a peace in their life. They were really touched. It was the most powerful I have ever felt the Spirit. They agreed to go to church with us on Sunday, and they are really excited to meet with us again. They kept talking about all this food they were gonna make us. haha it was a great experience.

I miss all of you and hope that everything is going good. I LOVE YOU ALL SOO MUCH!!

Love, Elder Day

PS. My address is: 310 Queen St. S. #1101 Kitchener ON N2G 1K2