Saturday, February 14, 2009

January 14, 2009

This week has been FANTASTIC!!! We are starting to see so much success! The Lord is definitely blessing us. As long as we continue to keep working hard in the tough times he will always prepare someone for us. We just need to make sure that we are ready and that we are living in a way that He would trust us with one of his elect children.

Well anyway, it sounds like everything is going really good at home. I want you all to know that I brag about you guys all the time. I think everyone is annoyed, but hey, you're awesome.

So, we got really good news this week. About a month ago I told you guys about a man named Alan that we met on the bus. He asked us to come over and we taught him and his roommate the first lesson and it was the strongest I have ever felt the spirit. But we had to hand them over to the Sister Missionaries because they are over the YSA ward and they just told us yesterday that they are both getting baptized!!! Their names are Alan and Matt. I am so excited for them. We are actually going over today because the sisters said that they have been asking about us. I can’t wait.
And also, last Friday we were doing drop bys and we were trying to decide whether or not to go home because it was about 8:45 and we had to catch the bus, but we decided to do one more drop by to a man named Musa who we had went by like 5 times and he has been working. But we went and it just so happens that him, his brother Teiray, and his wife Tigei were all home. They also have a little daughter. But they let us in and we taught the restoration. They loved it!!! They can’t wait for us to come back. Musa works a lot, but he is really excited to come to church. It turns out that they know about five people in our ward that they talk to a lot because they have an African club that they go to. They are all from West Africa. They speak English really well. They have been here for about 8 years and have been searching for a church ever since. We are going by tonight. I am so excited for them. They are probably the nicest people I have ever met. He has called us like 3 times since then trying to set up appts with us because of his work schedule. I can’t wait to talk to them again.

I am so thankful that the Lord put them in our paths and that the spirit directed us to go and see them that night. I am so thankful for the blessings that I have been receiving and I know that it is because of all of your prayers. Thank you so much. I love you.

Love, Elder Day
p.s. its negative 25 today with 15 kph winds!!!! Holy cow!!

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